Of Color and Ink is a feature documentary chronicling the life of renowned artist Chang Dai-chien (1899–1983), in his later years drifting overseas. The film is the result of a major project by director Weimin Zhang, who spent 12 years researching this famous painter and interviewing his family, collectors, and scholars. She has travelled extensively for this project, visiting the United States, Brazil, Argentina, the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. She is also a cinematographer who travels around the world with her camera. This documentary fully reflects Zhang’s ideals and beliefs as a filmmaker. We are delighted to offer this rare opportunity for Hong Kong audiences to meet director Zhang in person as she shares her creative journey in making this documentary.
Hong Kong was the starting point of Chang Dai-chien’s search for his ideal life and creative haven. Having lived in Hong Kong in the early years of his artistic career, Chang left behind some memorable stories in the art field that are worth re-visiting. The return of this master, or more precisely a documentary about him, to Hong Kong and the premiere of this film at the Hong Kong Palace Museum are of particular historical, artistic, and academic significance.
This talk is an extension of the documentary’s premiere, and will consist of two parts by director Weimin Zhang and Yuen-kit Szeto, former Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, respectively.
Date | 9 December 2023 (Saturday) |
Time | 3:00 pm–4:30 pm |
Venue | The Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong Palace Museum |
Tickets | Free |
Language | Putonghua and Cantonese, with simultaneous interpretation in English; no subtitles are available |
Ticketing arrangements:
Registration for this event does not include entry to the Museum’s exhibitions. To visit the exhibitions, please click here to purchase an admission ticket.
Programme Enquiries
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Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL) interpretation can be arranged for events by emailing [email protected] 14 days in advance of the event. If you have specific accessibility needs, please get in touch with us.
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West Kowloon Cultural District, 8 Museum Drive, Kowloon